A day with Moritz (Unicorn Workspaces)
October 5, 2022
3 min

Here’s a bit of info about Moritz, who joined our Unicorn family in April 2022. He’s the regional manager for our Unicorn Workspace Venloer Strasse in Cologne, and is responsible for everything related to operations, sales, team management and Unicorn’s expansion.
It’s 8 a.m. Are you already wide awake, or still in a deep sleep?
I’m really glad that I have flexible working hours. After seven years of doing shifts in the hotel industry, I enjoy being able to start work on a Monday at nine, and on a Tuesday at even seven or eight. I’m not really a morning person, though – but it gets a lot better after I’ve had a shower and listened to my playlist of morning music. On my way to work, I’ll stop at the bakery and pick up a totally overpriced sandwich, just because I’ve managed once again to not make myself one at home.
It’s 10 a.m. and you’re in the middle of a productive phase. What’s essential for you to be productive?
Whether they’re notes, to-do lists or important links, I do all of my things digitally – count me in for #teamdigital. Though I admire people who have a nice notepad as a working tool. I tried it myself, but it didn’t really work out. I also like to listen to music, especially when I need to concentrate.
It’s 1 p.m. and your stomach is growling. What do you do? Have a muesli bar and go out for a jog? Go over the latest analytics with business partners? Are you rather a stay-in-at-the-office type, or do you need to get out and get some fresh air?
Lunch breaks were never really my thing, but at Unicorn I’ve been learning that they can also do you good. So now I use my lunch break to get something nice to eat, and while I’m eating I’ll chat with my coworkers or read a bit of my football magazine, Kicker.
It’s 4 p.m. and a new company has moved into Unicorn Venloer Strasse. Any tips you’d like to share about the very long street and the surrounding area?
Every time someone comes to visit me, I suggest the same thing. That’s because there’s a really good Thai restaurant (Thai street food) in the Venloer street that I think everyone should try. If you’re not in the mood for Thai food, you can still find a lot of other really good restaurants there. For example, Antep Mangal’s falafel is excellent. It’s obviously up to Berlin’s well-known high standards, since it passed the test with my Unicorn colleagues from Berlin – they really enjoyed it. But the best thing in Cologne is the bars, so I take everyone to the Belgian Quarter rather than to the cathedral.
It’s 6 p.m., is the workday coming to an end or just getting started?
I always try to start work early so that I can leave work earlier and still have enough of the day left over for other things. I do sports three or four times a week, and/or I meet up with my friends. I’m getting a four-legged friend soon, and that will certainly give me plenty to do.
It’s 10 p.m. and you finally have time for yourself! Are you a series addict? A music lover, bookworm or binging podcast listener? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Series: How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family, Scrubs, and I can really recommend the series Kleo.
Films: The Beach, Shutter Island, Catch Me If You Can, Batman: The Dark Knight (because of Heath Ledger’s performance).
Podcast: Baywatch Berlin.
Books: The Child In You by Stefanie Stahl, Passenger 23 and lots of other books by Sebastian Fitzek