A day with Roger (4-Real Intermedia GmbH)

October 7, 2024

4-Real Intermedia GmbH came to Unicorn Workspaces in March 2023.

4-Real Intermedia is Germany’s leading game localization company - with our in-house audio recording studio and translation team, we’ve already localized more than 2,000 games for renowned clients in the video game industry.

It’s 8 a.m. Are you already wide awake, or still in a deep sleep?

At 8? By then I’ve already been up for some hours. My alarm goes off at 5:45, and I practically jump out of bed – mostly because I’m looking forward to my morning coffee and the newspaper. That’s my daily mini vacation before I dig into what needs to be done for the day.  After I’ve showered, it’s either off to the gym or going for a long walk with our 3 dogs. It’s a morning routine that helps me start my working day in a clear and focused way. 

It’s 10 a.m., time for a team meeting. There’s a lot that has to be discussed. You’re making a lot of progress, even if everyone is not always in agreement. What makes a good team?   

I think the characteristics of a good team are being able to discuss issues openly and having defined responsibilities. Someone has to ultimately make the decision and be accountable for it. My tip for successful team building is to give everyone a chance to be heard, and then to make efficient, resolute decisions.  

It’s 11 a.m. You have a meeting with a client. How do you plan on making a good impression?

Good preparation for this 11 o’clock client meeting is crucial. It automatically makes a good impression If I’m well informed and focused on the client’s specific needs. Good preparation shows the client that you take them seriously and will handle them professionally. 

It’s 1 p.m., time for a lunch break. Do you have a quick bite to eat and get back to work or take a more lengthy break?

At 1 pm I usually take a short lunch break right at my desk. I use this time to check out the latest news while I’m having a bite to eat. Afterwards I treat myself to a coffee – that helps me get back into “work mode” faster. 

It’s 3 p.m. You’re having quite a day! Your meeting with the investors was a total success, but right before the next meeting your computer conks out. What will you do?

That wouldn’t dampen my spirits at all, because I can count on having all of the important data saved on the server, as I always do that. So in such a case I’d just grab another computer and go on to the meeting. If that wasn’t possible, then the meeting would have to be postponed. 

It’s 4 p.m. and you have a meeting with the press. It gets a bit personal as they ask, “Have you been particularly influenced by someone?” and “What are you especially proud of?”.

I’m particularly proud of managing to maintain a good work-life balance. I became a father 17 years ago, and since then I’ve made it my mission to always organize my work so that I have enough time for my family. I can proudly say that I’ve never missed out on any important moments. Maintaining this balance is not only my greatest strength, it’s also been an important life lesson for me. It’s shown me that it’s also possible as an entrepreneur and business founder to set priorities so that you don’t have to forego the important things in life. 

It’s 6 p.m. You’ve finished work for the day. You see a huge billboard in front of the train station with the heading “NEW WORK”. What’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

I’d immediately think about flexibility, innovation and the freedom to shape the way we work. I believe New Work means changing the working world in such a way that it fits into our lives, not the other way around. I think it’s essentially about each person being able to accomplish their work in accordance with their own visions and individual requirements, which ultimately leads to more satisfaction and productivity. 

It’s 10 p.m. Time for your last thoughts before going to bed. What do you wish you had known 10 years ago that would be helpful for you today?

Think bigger! If I knew ten years ago how important it is to dream big and set bold goals, I would’ve been able to obtain greater success more quickly.