Unicorn Stories
New Work Consulting
Of Unicorns
Unicorn Universe

A day with Roger (4-Real Intermedia GmbH)
“I believe New Work means changing the working world in such a way that it fits into our lives, not the other way around.” Come along as we accompany Roger throughout his day.

A day with Fabian (Rebellious Communications)
“I view New Work as a process, one that’s still going to take a long time in Germany.” Let’s spend a day with Fabian Zorn.

A day with Tami (Unicorn Workspaces)
Is there a better feeling of satisfaction than grabbing a pencil and physically crossing out a task (even two or three times, with relish) which you’ve completed on your list?

A day with Paul (Unicorn Workspaces)
I really swear by the tool Linear, which keeps track of all ongoing projects and to-dos according to priority. I hardly use a pen and paper anymore, and if I do, that information goes directly into the computer.

A day with Didi (Unicorn Workspaces)
The 5 AM club? Nope, never heard of it :)

Unicorn 2022 Recap

A day with Lars from ganztags. GmbH

A day with Moritz (Unicorn Workspaces)
Lunch breaks were never really my thing, but at Unicorn I’ve been learning that they can also do you good.

Unicorn History Lesson - Gendarmenmarkt
Learn more about our Unicorn location in Berlin Mitte!

“Unicorn for All”: our calls to action for the working world
Campaigning for diversity in the workplace to commemorate Christopher Street Day

Spending a day with Lisa from Dear Darling
“If I ‘have to’ be creative, then that usually doesn’t work out. Often I notice, “aha, right now there are a lot of good ideas flowing!” while I’m doing something completely different.”

A day with Roni (Unicorn Workspaces)
Cooking together with colleagues and talking about all sorts of stuff – that’s how I really like to tank up some energy!

A day with Jil (Unicorn Workspaces Sprinkenhof)
sometimes a brief chat can be quicker and more effective than a long planed meeting

New Work and Female Leadership: Questions for Lisa Zaiser (DEAR DARLING BERLIN)
But what we still need is the visibility and the equal opportunities and rights which we’ve duly earned.

Working remotely with kids! Our Unicorn parents share their tips
Throughout this Corona pandemic, parents have been forced to take on new roles: to be the caterers, office managers, therapists and personal assistants for their “mini-managers”

A day with Karina (Unicorn Workspaces)
It’s important for me to learn from my own experiences, and perhaps to learn from the experiences of others as well.

A day with Benjamin (Unicorn Workspaces)
“Ultimately, we’re all the calling card for what Unicorn, as a company with a start-up philosophy, stands for: we want to make the world a better place to live and work in.”

The zero waste lifestyle: A tale of sorting, substituting, unicorns and recycling structures
It’s November, and we want to talk trash! Well, more precisely, about waste – sorting it, reducing it. Can we make a clean break from some of our (unknowingly) dirty habits?

Unicorns, zebras, rhinos, camels and cockroaches – who’s who in the start-up zoo?
Is your company a unicorn, a zebra, or perhaps even a cockroach?

A day with Yasmina (Unicorn Workspaces)
“It’s not cool to spend your evenings and weekends constantly with your work laptop instead of making beautiful memories with family, friends or yourself.” - spend a day with Unicorns working student Yasmina.

Unconscious Bias Workshop: Misc x Unicorn
We participated in an Unconscious Bias workshop by misc. Find out more about our learnings in this article.

A day with Oskar (Unicorn Workspaces)
“With a rapidly changing (digital) world, years of experience won’t cut it” – spend a day with Unicorn CTO Oskar.

New Work at Unicorn
Our blog is all about New Work – yet what does New Work at Unicorn actually mean?

Implementing climate transformation together: the Climate Transformation Summit 2021 in review
Theresa Wenning from The Climate Choice gives us her inside view of the second Climate Transformation Summit held at Unicorn Moritzplatz.

#6 A day with Julia (Misc Berlin)
“I don’t like an extensive meeting culture, I’d rather discuss concrete measures in a short and sweet way and everything else can be clarified by mail” - spend a day with Misc Berlin founder Julia.

The Future of Workspace Design: Working in New Spaces with Dark Horse
Wondering how to plan your office of the future? Dark Horse has an innovative tool that can help: the “Office Builder Kit”.

What companies can do during Pride Month
June is Pride Month. Use this opportunity to show your support for diversity with more than just a rainbow flag on social media.

#5 A day with Mati (Podigee)
“When you allow yourself an appropriate amount of breaks, you can permanently change your maximum performance." - spend a day with Podigee founder Mati.

Standing together & facing the pandemic: Unicorn’s Corona testing centers
Find out why we decided to open Corona testing centers in our workspaces – and why we’d love to close them.

#4 A Day with Sandra (univativ)
“A CV never tells everything about a person” - spend a day with univativ COO Sandra.

Start-up talk: of Unicorns and Zebras
Ok, Unicorn Zebraspaces was just a little April Fool’s joke. Yet what’s it all about, this talk of unicorns and zebras in start-up lingo?

#3 A Day with Victor & Tom (VT-Verlag)
“Our advice for a good start to the day: a double espresso.” - spend a day with VT-Verlag founders Victor and Tom.

#2 A Day with Stella (Laori)
“Last year, I didn’t attend many digital networking events because I didn’t get that much out of them.” - spend a day with Laori founder and CEO Stella.

Workspace Design for the Future: Vitra’s Club Office
The office of the future – what will be its function? Vitra’s response is their newly developed «Club Office».

New Work teams up with Workspace Design: Where will we work in the future?
Not yet on the moon, but other exciting changes are currently taking place. In this series, we’ll check in with three companies who are revamping the traditional office in their own unique ways.

#1 A Day With Florian (Unicorn Workspaces)
“Somehow I still got jealous at the fancy offices of Google or Apple." - spend a day with Unicorn-CEO Florian.

Workspaces & COVID-19: Ten Simple Tricks that will help you adapt
10 simple and effective ways to keep your workspace safe during a pandemic.