A day with Roni (Unicorn Workspaces)
May 31, 2022
3 min

A little background info about Roni: Roni joined the Unicorn family in 2019, starting as a Community Barista at Unicorn AEG 2. In 2021, he became an Event Manager and is currently responsible for meeting room rentals for external clients, planning business events and workshops, plus putting together all of Unicorn’s internal team events.
It’s 8 a.m. Are you already wide awake, or still in a deep sleep?
On weekdays, I’m absolutely an early bird. I’m the kind of person who needs a morning routine. So it’s just about 7.00 am when I start my day off with a shower. Then I take some time for breakfast, checking out the news, and – it’s vitally important that I have black coffee! Can’t start my day without it. “May your burdens be none and your coffee be strong”. :-) Afterwards, I leave home and bike to work.
It’s 10 a.m. and you’re in the middle of a productive phase. What’s essential for you to be productive?
When it comes to productivity, I use a lot of different tools. I’ll usually create a to-do list and set reminders on my smartphone. The project management tool Trello comes to my aid every day with various reminders, too. And of course, during my productive phase coffee is a constant companion! The best part actually comes at the end of the day, when I’ve taken care of all the tasks that I’ve prioritized.
It’s 1 p.m. and your stomach is growling. What do you do? Have a muesli bar and go out for a jog? Are you rather a stay-in-at-the-office type, or do you need to get out and get some fresh air?
Taking a break to get some fresh air and a bite to eat is very important for me. It’s even better when I get to share a nice lunch break with my colleagues. Cooking together and talking about all sorts of stuff – that’s how I really like to tank up some energy!
It’s 4 p.m., and you’re putting the finishing touches on the preparations for tonight’s event when suddenly your client presents you with a long list of changes. How do you keep your cool in such a situation?
The essentials for handling situations like this are empathy and good communication. First of all, I calmly listen to the person and try to understand their needs. Then I’d move on to defining priorities and discussing which of their requests are readily possible to fulfill. You can manage pretty much everything with sympathy and transparent discussions. In tranquility lies the key to strength. :-)
It’s 6 p.m., is the workday coming to an end or just getting started?
I always try to ensure that I’m maintaining a good work-life balance. So when I’ve finished my work and the other things I have to do, I go out for a jog or a bike ride. When it’s summertime, I like to swim a few laps after work. And of course there’s “Bigga”, that’s my little dog, she always looks forward to spending some time with me and our evening walk.
It’s 10 p.m. and you finally have time for yourself! Are you a series addict? A music lover, bookworm or binging podcast listener? How do you like to spend your spare time?
The rest of the evening is for having a glass of wine, watching a series or reading an engaging book. I especially like thrillers by Sebastian Fitzek or or Harlan Coben, plus the murder mystery classics by Agatha Christie - I can really recommend those as well. But sometimes I just want to unwind, have something easy and light, and the Netflix series I’m currently watching, Superstore, is great for some laughs.